Jan 19, 2010

Heat Wave - A Summer wrap up

If you're on the West Coast of Australia you'd know how hot it has been...I nearly passed out the other day from heat exhaustion it's been that bad. Borderline Delusional. BUT, the waves have been fun and to the best of my knowledge the east coast hasn't had much, which comes as a relief, because I used to hate those NE winds, fucking blue bottles and small surf through the school holidays in the summer months.
While I don't think it has been too hot on the east coast,  that's not to say that some kids in the Sydney region haven't been suffering some sort of mind delusion anyway. A couple of punks were caught red handed, attempting to steal some Pride and HB boards from the factory. A Woodland model was amongst those boards - Which brings me to my 2010 slogan: 
"The Pride Woodland model - it's that good, you'll want to steal one!" hahaha

The fly situation down in margs has been crazy to say the least. Hopefully these pics make you see the funny side to fly's...if that's possible. AND, some surfing photos very soon...

Amongst hating fly's, Myself and Nic Barclay have been adding the finishing touches to my section in his movie PURE, which is due out in a few weeks! Check out his blog here.

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