May 25, 2010


The crew is up in Peru now after Winny took out the Arica Grand Slam! The man is blowing up bigtime and updating his new(ish) site all the time - so i'm just gonna redirect you there for now! Click here and stay tuned for my new website which i'll be getting up and running soon!


Jezza said...

yeah awesome man!
good luck in the comp!

Anonymous said...

you took that way better then i thought, maybe i underestimated you woodland... maybe! p.s your ex local has had nothing but fun waves for 4 days of every week for the last month.. website sounds sweet, hope it doesnt play up as much as dal's does..

Anonymous said...

fuck i know a decent website designer that would have what you needed knocked up in 2 days, its now august and you haven't had a post or footage for 3 months, man you better get some shit happening on the Europe leg of the tour because your gona start getting your names left out of the credits ala raised heights..
turn it up